Friday, July 2, 2010

47 (7/02/10)

Ok everybody. soooo basically today was super crazy so let me explain what happened.
Alright, so my brothers friend from church was doing somethings, yahdah yahdah yahdah... ANYWAYS, Thats not what Im here to talk about. What Im here to talk about is what God showed me today through this.  So basically he was doing things in his house his parents didnt approve of......don't ask me what those things were.......because im not allowed to know. Anyways, his parents said, thats not going to be approved of in our house. And kicked him out, im not going into detail of his personal life, so Im not going to tell you there reasons. On with the story........

So he stayed at our house today, and hes buying his own apartment, and going to live there. It amazed me though, because later on my dad said, "do you have soap?" and he had forgotten soap, so he said "no" so he said "dont worry about it well get you some soap, and some wash rags."

Now you may not've gotten anything out of that...but I sure did. I mean, what a blessing that is!
That even when so many people have turned his back on him, hes still provided for. Thats God.

And I had just asked God you know, "I always hear about you doing great things, but God how come I never experienced this? How come I read in the bible about your miracles, but you never do them now?!?"

WELLLL, he showed me. God uses people to bless eachother, it may appear to be the person themselves, but its God. And God's showed me how I'm able to bless other people everyday to bring him glory.

Just thought i'd share that.


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