Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 1 (5/17/2010)

Hey Everybody :) I just wanted to update you guys more often, and ive been seriously considering doing a daily blog thing. And its either gonna be a totally sucky thing to do, or an ok thing, or a really cool thing.

You might be thinking why I would do something like this, well the reason is because ive realized ive been procrastinating alot lately, so i want to do this, and not only say im going to do this, but actually DO it.

And also, im obviously not going to remember everything that happens in my 13th year of life. And I think it might be interesting to look back on this and read what I thought or what happened. And propbably be like "I AM SO STUPID!" ahah :)

I've also come to realize its easier for me to write down what I think rather than say it, because I tend to freeze up in front of people and my brain doesnt function correctly. I know, I know, I sound retarded, but- I dont know, I cant really explain it.

But yah, hope you enjoy them! Day 2 tommorow!