Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 63 (7/16/10)

So theres been a couple of times in my life were I've felt I had no real friends, more of acquaintances, pals, people I can only joke around with, but not dare to share any issues with. Well in this past year God has supplied me with real friends. Friends that I can trust. Friends that are loyal. 

So yesterday I took time to thank him:
"......And God I thank you for giving me such reliable friends I can go to, their awesome."
"you know your awesome too!"
"What? No! I mess up so frequently, how can *I* possibly be awesome!?!" 
"Your not perfect, you know nobody is, I've created you how I want you, don't worry! You're just as much of a blessing to them as they are to you!"

Wow. Now thats *awesome*. Not macaroni and cheese awesome either ;) (inside joke) 

"I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works, and my soul knows very well." the word 'fearfully' means: with great reverence and heart-felt interest and respect. The word 'wonderfully' means: unique, set apart, uniquely marvelous. WOW! No wonder the psalmist bursts out with exuberant praise in this verse. He realized the great love and concern that went into his unique and very individual creation. Your one of God's greatest creations.....don't forget that!