Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 73 (8/14/10)

Do what is good and run from evil so that you may live! Then the LORD God of Heaven's Armies will be your helper, just as you have claimed.- Amos 5:14

I know Ive been running toward evil, and others have to, its time we turn around and run into gods arms.

Day 72 (8/14/10)

So the other day I was feeling sort of worthless. Like there was no way I could share Jesus with people, every time I had witnessed to people they had always rejected. I got angry with God, questioning him "Well God, whats the use of me taking the 'narrow path' if clearly nobody is benefiting!?!" 

I had pulled out my laptop and listened to the song "Light up the sky" by the afters. (Listen to light up the sky here) I had heard this song on the radio and I really liked it, It had been camping out in my head for awhile. So I looked it up and paid attention to the lyrics. And realized "God, I need you to light up the sky to show me you are with me" just like the song says. The lead singer from "the afters" sat down and described the story behind this song: 

“Light Up the sky is a song about how God is with us when we need him most. Whether it was God leading the Israelites through the night guided by a pillar of fire, or times in my own life when I felt like I was alone and I wondered where God was. Every time God would send a sign to show me he was with me. No matter what we’re going through, no matter what we’re facing in our life. God has a path for us, and if we focus on his word and focus on him he will lead us to that path, and lead us along his way.”
“Another thing that I was thinking about just the other day is how every morning the sun rises, and that’s a tangible reminder that God is with us, and created us. So, every morning when you see the dark give way to the light of the sun- that’s a reminder.”

So anyways after I was done watching that, I put away my laptop, and headed upstairs to my room. It was about midnight so it was pitch black. I had my blinds on my window pulled up so I could see the meteors everyones talking about.

So I randomly got a text message from one of my best friends (since we were six. were literally sisters) saying she'd accepted Christ and wanted to know where to got from there. WOW!

And at that very moment I looked up from that text message and out the window, without any warning, (no thunder, no rain   or anything) these huge strikes of lightning lit up the sky and you could see everything for one second.

And just like the song said, God physically and spiritually lit up the sky to show me he was with me.

If you ask God to send you a sign, he will. You just have to watch for it and have enough wisdom to say "Thats god". I think alot of times God tries to tell us stuff we just don't listen.