Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 41 (6/26/10)

Ok so I told you guys i'd explain the Macrobiotic. So first of all I'd like to exlpain this is in no way because I believe I am fat. I do, however, believe my diet is unhealthy.

So the macrobiotic heals the body. Really it does. Theres been people diagnosed with untreatable cancers and illnesses and were told to go home and die, yet, theyve gone on this diet, and its healed them. How is this possible?

The american diet today, as you've most likely already discovered, is extremly unhealthy. Well, the typical human body is EXTREMLY acidic. Which is where cancer survives. Rather than alkaline. Which is what this diet consists of. And cancer cant live in alkaline. But the American Cancer Society doesnt recommend people using diet, theyd rather drip poisons (aka, chemo) in ill innocent people and watch them die. I'll talk about that tommorow.

I know we dont have cancer. BUT its not just cancer its all around health, your hair becomes healthier, your skin EVERYTHING. (which=no more acne!) Im not sure when were going on this diet. But i'll keep you guys updated.