Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 65 (7/18/10)

So the other day I was thinking about how I don't really know my brother, but I've lived with him every day for 13 and a half years; sounds silly, huh? But then God revealed something to me:

He's been with me everyday of my life, but I didn't know him until this past January. I still don't know as much as I should now. Just thought that was interesting...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 64 (7/17/10)

Just wanted to let yall know I have a boyfriend. :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 63 (7/16/10)

So theres been a couple of times in my life were I've felt I had no real friends, more of acquaintances, pals, people I can only joke around with, but not dare to share any issues with. Well in this past year God has supplied me with real friends. Friends that I can trust. Friends that are loyal. 

So yesterday I took time to thank him:
"......And God I thank you for giving me such reliable friends I can go to, their awesome."
"you know your awesome too!"
"What? No! I mess up so frequently, how can *I* possibly be awesome!?!" 
"Your not perfect, you know nobody is, I've created you how I want you, don't worry! You're just as much of a blessing to them as they are to you!"

Wow. Now thats *awesome*. Not macaroni and cheese awesome either ;) (inside joke) 

"I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works, and my soul knows very well." the word 'fearfully' means: with great reverence and heart-felt interest and respect. The word 'wonderfully' means: unique, set apart, uniquely marvelous. WOW! No wonder the psalmist bursts out with exuberant praise in this verse. He realized the great love and concern that went into his unique and very individual creation. Your one of God's greatest creations.....don't forget that!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 62 (7/15/10)

So today we got icecream, and rented a movie!  happiness!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 61 (7/14/10)

So today I experienced something so hypocritical I can't even communicate the disgust. So I was invited by a friend to go to their youth group, their youth pastor had a sermon that was long and made no real point. Basically, though, it was about welcoming new people, you know, attracting them so they'll come back, and feel loved, right? Well nobody, including the youth pastor talked to me afterwards. I felt SOOOOOO LOVED........NOT!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 60 (7/13/10)

Happy day 60! :)

Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom. -Ecclesiastes 9:10 (New Living Translation)

I Just cannot get over this verse, I think I mightve mentioned it awhile back, but I feel it's relevant to all of us. Maybe some of you hardcore blog readers remember the time when I went through procrastination. Well, I still do! Its not as bad, but my biggest problem is doing something and not doing it to my best ability, like these blogs, im tired of slacking off......

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 59 (7/12/10)

So i'm sure by now you've all heard Kris Allen's song "Live like we're dying", if you haven't, your probably living under a rock. GET A LIFE! Just kidding.... Anyways, It wasn't until the other day I actually looked at the meaning of the song, and I feel it's completely relevant to our lives.

I'm sure if you knew you weren't promised another tomorrow you'd tell someone you loved them, or tell them about your faith.

Well friends, the truth is, we aren't promised another tomorrow. Do what needs to be done and don't be ashamed. Make the most of life thats borrowed.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 58 (7/11/10)

Hey everybody SO so sorry for the slack blogs lately!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 55 (7/10/10

Hey everybody. I'm pretty broken right now. God has proven me wrong once again. I was fearing man over god, and he showed me what happens when we do that. You cant rely on people. That simple

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 54 (7/9/10)

OMG, guys it is LATE, Im sooooo sorry, crap. I just remembered this now, im sorry guys your gonna wanna kill me ik ik :) hahah CRAP! its almost tomorow!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 53 (7/08/10)

dang you guys this is not even funny. Im sooooooo confused. I cant think of what to write. Im having guy issues? update later....... :(

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Patience in Non-violent wars-Day 52 (7/07/10)

bSo for those of you who dont know, I always have to get the last word in and argument. I cannot be satisfied with walking away undeclared the winner. Which usually gets me in trouble.

Whenever theres a problem, a fight arises, which brings violence. We get frustrated when someone doesn't see eye to eye with us. So we shut out the other person, get angry, and say things we don't mean......which gets us in trouble. And DOES NOT bring glory to our savior.

"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires"                             James 1:19-20 (New Living Translation)

Remember this next time you get angry.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 51 (7/6/10)

Hey everybody. Right now i'm incredibly content. Its CRAZY. I absolutly adore this feeling. Anyways, its late, I KNOW, my blogs have been crappy lately :/ SORRY!

DAY 50!!!!! (7/5/10)

OK, i know i know i know! this is going to be up late! however, im writing it now, i wasnt allowed to go on it for some reason or another.......gosh im tired of this, all the time in this house it feels like im freakin walkin on eggshells. Its obnoxious.

fifty days of consecutive days! wow, its crazy, it doesnt feel like it.......

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July Day 49 (7/4/10)

Hey every body :) im doing this a day late i know, I literally did not have time, because i got home at 12!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

48 (6/03/10)

Well, Sometimes life just doesnt make much since. If you haven't found this out you will soon.
It seems as though im suffering, and everyone else is along for the ride.
Just gotta keep holdin on.

Friday, July 2, 2010

47 (7/02/10)

Ok everybody. soooo basically today was super crazy so let me explain what happened.
Alright, so my brothers friend from church was doing somethings, yahdah yahdah yahdah... ANYWAYS, Thats not what Im here to talk about. What Im here to talk about is what God showed me today through this.  So basically he was doing things in his house his parents didnt approve of......don't ask me what those things were.......because im not allowed to know. Anyways, his parents said, thats not going to be approved of in our house. And kicked him out, im not going into detail of his personal life, so Im not going to tell you there reasons. On with the story........

So he stayed at our house today, and hes buying his own apartment, and going to live there. It amazed me though, because later on my dad said, "do you have soap?" and he had forgotten soap, so he said "no" so he said "dont worry about it well get you some soap, and some wash rags."

Now you may not've gotten anything out of that...but I sure did. I mean, what a blessing that is!
That even when so many people have turned his back on him, hes still provided for. Thats God.

And I had just asked God you know, "I always hear about you doing great things, but God how come I never experienced this? How come I read in the bible about your miracles, but you never do them now?!?"

WELLLL, he showed me. God uses people to bless eachother, it may appear to be the person themselves, but its God. And God's showed me how I'm able to bless other people everyday to bring him glory.

Just thought i'd share that.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 46 (7/1/10)

Hey Guys. Well I've just been thinking about something somewhat deeply lately.
You see, theres a magician thats atheist, and someone tried to give him a bible, he declined, but he posted a video teary-eyed, talking about "how can christians not tell people about this?!?!"
I ask myself this same question.
How can I not share christ?!?!?

What if everyone in your village was dehydrated, and you found a river, thats unending, and its the cleanest most purest water in the world. WHY would you *NOT* tell the others?!?
Thats selfish! and its not like you'll run out of water for yourself, it never ever runs out.

If you know the person next to you is thirsty, offer them a drink.