Friday, April 30, 2010


Well friends, I've decided there is no normal. Theres just sort of this cling between me and God. Just holdin on.

I hate being in this mode that im in, Its like, Im continuously waiting for something. Waiting for chorus, waiting to get on the bus and go home, waiting to go to bed at night. I hate it. I wanna live.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Finally found an escape.

Hey Everybody :) Just thought I'd take a moment to share this with you.

So metaphoracally speaking, I've built a house around me built with fear and insecurity, and I forgot to put in a door. There was no way out, the walls were closing in on me. I was going to die soon. Then I found out God was standing right there to help me. It sucked quite honestly. It was like he was this huge tornado that came and tore apart my whole life. Well what I thought was life.

Everything that used to matter to me, Everything I used to desire, Everything I held so close to my heart....No longer matters. I never want to turn back.

I accepted christ awhile back, but I realized, I had given him my salvation, but I never completly gave up. Now i've left everything behind. Ive given him everything. My full heart, not part of it.

And its tough. Im totally not saying its easy, don't think that, but its so much better. Im tired of my old life. I hated it.

Now i'm waiting on the lord for him to reveal what he wants me to do. Keep you updated.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Realized the truth, which just so happens to be a lie

Well, I decided to delete my previous posts, they were ancient and boring. And I never updated it as regularly as I would've liked to. SO I have decided to update daily.

So what has been going on in my life? Well....

I went to all county chorus, It was a blast. I had a great time and met some cool people. For those of you who are clueless as to what all county chorus is: its basically a music festival of which all the schools in the county pick the top singers and we all come together as one. Its interesting.

Anyways, Ive realized alot lately. Its been sort of this real world shock, and im not really happy with it.

Ive kinda realized that the people that ive been trying to impress this whole time aren't worth impressing. Ive been consumed by what others think. Ive decided im no longer of this world. Im living in it, but i'm not conformed by it. This world has nothing to offer

Thing two i've realized:
The world has turned love into something ugly and hateful. I refuse to buy into it. I heard someone say the other day "I gotta get me a summer boyfriend" and I realized this is not what god intended for love to be.

Third thing:
I've realized I truly have nothing to fear. Though I may be afraid at the time, I know that god IS with me. I dont need to be afraid. The worst thing that could happen is dying. And if I die, I die. I know where im going. And it will be far better than anything ive ever experienced.
